Sunday, February 19, 2012


I will be the first to admit I am not a fan of twitter.  I understand the benefits of it, and I know tons of people use it.  However, I can't bring myself to like it.  Now that I finally made a twitter account, I am attempting to make the best of it.  After we started following five educators, I saw a lot of ways I could use twitter in my potential career.  The educators I am following have tons of awesome ideas that I could use in my classroom someday.  It's interesting how teachers, even for elementary school kids, can use technology to help their classrooms.  I also feel like twitter will be able to help me communicate with others in my SEDU 183 class.  If one person tweets an idea or question, it might be able to help all of us.  I am hesitant about using twitter, but I'm trying to be open-minded and hope it will benefit me in the end. 

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